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  • 502e Via Ferrata Rocher Jaune, Les Diablerets, Vaud, Switzerland

    Via Ferrata Rocher Jaune / Tête au Chamois, Les Diablerets, Vaud


       Footbridge     Wood Bridge       Ladder          Zipline    
    0 1 x 3m 0 0



    Established during the International Alpine Film Festival on the 10th of October 1999, this via ferrata is also known by the name of "Tête au Chamois." It is located next to the first stop of the telecabine.

    Setting: Splendid high mountain, a precipitious itinerary that offers a wide variety of terrain, alternating between comfortable sections on fairly wide ledges and impressive sections on slabs resembling climbing


    Via Ferrata Tips

    You have to pay for the cable car.
    For the brave: from the village its 3h50 of walking there and back. Or buy only the way there and you can enjoy the way down... The Diablerets is an ideal region for canyoneering and mountain biking.

    You are in a high mountain setting: Don't forget to take an extra layer and a jacket. Temperatures, even in the summer, can be cold. Excellent hiking shoes are necessary. The ground is often wet and slippery.

    Legend has it that the people of this region are very attached to their money. So if a coin falls from your pocket and does not land on the ground, remember this!



     Strength  4 
     Dizziness  4
     Type  High Mountain:  2     
     Technics        1
    Evaluation   Very Difficult



    Tourism Office des Diablerets 024 492.33.58.   +41.24 492.33.58

    Cabane des Diablerets



    Length: 800 m
    Orientation: North (in the shade)

    Start: 2'400m.
    Finish: 2'450m


    GPS Coordinates of the Starting Point

    N 46’20.357
    E 007’12.854
    Altitude : 2’426 m


    Time of Year




    Approach from the cable car: 5 min.
    Via ferrata 2h30,
    Way back to the cable car : 15 minutes
    Way back by foot, 1h30 2h00.


    By Car

    From Lausanne take the highway towards Valais (Martigny, Sion) and exit in Aigle.

    In the middle of Aigle, at a roundabout on the left take the route du Pillon towards Les Diablrets, it is indicated.

    From Valais, Chamonix or the Aosta valley, take the Martigny highway towards Monthey-Lausanne. Exit at Aigle.


    By Train

    Contact the SBB, for bus and train schedules and fares. Take the train to Aigle, the small train to Diablerets, then the bus for le Pillon


    Geolocalisation bp



    Leave your car in the parking lot located at the base of the Diablerets glacier ski lifts.

    By foot:
    Several footpaths lead to the base of the glacier's cablecar, here is the shortest, but account for 1h40 of walking. From Corabs, take the Aigue-Noire trail, then the Cascade du Dar and Col du Pillon.

    By cablecar:
    Otherwise you can take the cablecar and the ferrata is located at the first stop, this is a faster, but more expensive option.

    From the hut, take the trail that goes down on the right (follow the blue and white markings)

    Via Ferrata

    The Ferrata follows a vertiginous ledge that is more or les pronounced, sometimes interrupted for some meters, requiring traverses, descents or climbs up rungs or small steps. The surroundings are vertiginous.

    You will go through a mini cave and the famous section with a small wooden beam. If you are lucky enough to be over 190cm tall: may the force be with you!

    The end of the via takes place on a fairly demanding wall that climbs straight up and is well equipped but always has certain points of contact with the rock. This wall brings you to the end of the via.

    Way Back

    If you are on time, you will be able to take the cable car. If you are beat, stay at the hut.

    Where to Spend the Night

    You can find a camping and some nice rooms in guest houses in the Diablerets.
    Diablerets Hut: 60 spots available 024/492 21 02. For  25.— Frs., you'll have a bed!



  • 503e Via Ferrata Tiere Champery Valais Switzerland

    Via Ferrata of Tière, Champery, Valais



       Footbridges     Monkey Bridge       Ladder          Zipline   
    2 0 0 0


     Begins with some beautiful footbridges which are quite chilly due to the proximity of the waterfall. Traversing for the most part. One section can slow down beginners, it is a bit athletic and relies on the arms for 3-4 meters.


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

     Leave a shuttle car at the beginning of the ferrata. The trail to get back to the village is a bit long... If you have a mountain bike, it will do, especially as the region is perfectly suited for mountain biking.

    If you decide to do everything on foot, go by way of the Galeries Défago (a trail carved into a cliffside). It is next to the via and it is a beautiful hike on a vertiginous cliff, but accessible for everyone.

    It is a bit hot during the summer in the afternoon. Better to do it in the morning when it is still in the shade.



     Strength  Partie 1:  1
     Partie 2:  2
     Dizziness  Partie 1:  1
     Partie 2:  2
     Type  Mountain
     Partie 1:  2
     Partie 2:  1                     
     Technics               2
     Evaluation  Partie 1:  Beginner
     Partie 2:  Difficult (1 difficult step 3-4 m)



    Office du Tourisme de Champéry



    Length 460 m.
    Elevation gain  125 m.
    Altitude at the start of the via Ferrata 1'126 m.


    GPS Coordinates

    N 46'10.630
    E 006'53.013


    Time of Year

    May - October



    Approach: about 30 minutes from the Centre Sportif (in the village). 10 minutes from the start
    Via Ferrata: 30-45 minutes
    Way Back: 45-60 minutes to get back to the Centre Sportif

    By Car

    Geneva-Lausanne, take the highway towards Martigny-Sion-St-Bernard. Exit at St-Triphon/Monthey.
    Take the tunnel that goes up the valley towards Champéry-Morgins.
    At Troistorrents take the road towards Champéry.


    By Train

    Take the train to Aigle. Then the AOMC towards Champéry. The train terminal is found a stone's throw away from the trail that leads to the via ferrata. Contacte the SBB for bus and train schedules and fares.


    Geolocalisation bp



    Option 1
    Go towards the tennis courts that are found near the train and cable car station. At the tennis courts and in front of the Paladium (huge sports center), go down the Chemin duTavis trail and the bridge of the Sous-Sex which goes towards the river. Leave your car near the little wooden bridge. Cross the bridge by foot and you will see a sign on the left which indicates the trail that climbs through the woods and leads to the via ferrata.

    Option 2
    By car, go towards the Grand-Paradis. Just before arriving to the Grand paradis, 200m after the stone bridge that you pass by car, go left just before the little bridge that straddles the river.

    Do not cross the river, but go along it. Take the road that goes left and follow it. Once you arrive at a junction that is found near a tiny bridge straddling a small river, you are there. The trail that leads to the start of the via is found 8 meters after the bridge, in the direction towards Grand Paradis. It goes down rather steeply on the right.


    Via Ferrata

    The via starts with a footbridge and a kind of small hike to work up your appetite. A second footbridge, this time via ferrata style.... and a small uphill to whet your adventurous spirit and arrive at the very beautiful and impressive large footbridge 10 meters above the waterfall.

    You'll get a little rest along a ledge before seeing the Bear... if you pay attention... he is hidden in a small cave! Whoever doesn't see him pays the next round!

    Next, the serious part begins. A very demanding 4m section can prove to be an insurmountable obstacle for beginners, but once it is overcome, it is amazing. One even regrets that the ferrata finishes so quickly, as it is so enjoyable.


    Way Back

    See above.

    Where to Spend the Night

    Camping in Champéry, in the area called the Grand Paradis.

    par   Youtube





  • 504e Via Ferrata de la Cascade Les Diablerets Vaud Switzerland

    Via Ferrata de la Cascade, Les Diablerets, Vaud


       Footbridges     Monkey Bridge       Ladder          Zipline    
    2 0 0 1


     Very committing with a splendid section under the waterfall and in a crack.

    The steps for your feet are very slippery as they are made from smooth metal. Be careful during wet periods, the steps turn into bars of soap!

    No elevation gain or drop, completely a traverse.


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

    Take your camera, the view from behind the waterfall is magnificent and like nothing you've ever seen before.

    Wear some good shoes with a rigid sole and traction control if possible.

    We don't want to start a dispute, but a zipline shoud have a cable and a life-line (the cable that secures you). On this zipline, there is only one cable and the pully is already on the cable (it stays there all season). Personally, we have given up on using this equipment and the the zipline and have opted for the second way out. But the choice is up to you...

    Tips and Tricks for Zipline Users (by Franck Lehmans)
    -Have a tall or self-sufficient person go first so that he/she can untie him/herself easily and without risk at the end of the zipline
    -Once at the end, grab the cable so as not to go backwards
    -Clip one landyard in a loop of the cable so as not to slide backwards
    -Next, and only next, untie (or try to untie (if you are too small, it's really SH...)) the pulley!

    -While you pull the rope that brings the pulley back to you, let it hang in the void to prevent any potential knots from forming on the way and creating a very annoying obstruction in the middle of the cable.

    - Do not tire yourself in vain trying to unclip the pulley from your harness: think and proceed in the following order:
    1 first landyard hooked in a loop of the cable when you arrive,
    2 second landyard hooked even further if possible,
    3 lift yourself up as much as possible (I put myself on the big bolts that hold together the pole at the finish),
    4 unclip yourself.

     If you can't do it, re-secure yourself like on the way there and climb back to the start by pulling yourself with the rope.



     Strength  Part 1: 4
     Part 2: 3
     Dizziness  part 1: 1
     Part 2: 3
     Type  Mountain: 3 (slipery steps)            
     Technics                    1 (zipline optional)
     Evaluation  Extr. Difficult


    Office du Tourisme des Diablerets 024 492.33.58.
    From outside Switzerland ++41.24 492.33.58
    E-mails work really well, fast and nice.


    Length and Altitude

    Altitude: 1491 m


    GPS Coordinates

    N 46’20.998
    E 007’12.157


    Time of Year

    May - November (when there isn't any snow or ice).



    Approach : 20 minutes
    Via Ferrata : 1h30
    Way Back : 25 minutes

    By Car

    From Lausanne take the highway towards Valais (Martigny, Sion), and exit at Aigle. IN the center of Aigle, take a roundabout and on the left la route de Pillon towards Les Diablerets, it is indicated.

    From Valais, Chamonix, or the Aosta valley take the Martigny freeway towards Monthey-Lausanne. Exit at Aigle.


    By Train

    Take the train to Aigle and then to Diablerets. A bus towards the col du Pillon will take you the rest of the way. Contact the SBB, for bus and train schedules and fares.


    Geolocalisation bp



    Leave your car in a mini parking 200m before arriving at the Col du Pillon (on your right when coming from les Diablerets)
    The trail that leads to the via ferrata starts near this parking. Follow the signs.


    Via Ferrata

    The beginning is very hard. There is an overhang and a rope bridge, but beware, this rope bridge is reserved for real monkeys only! It's not easy to access and it really works the arms.

    After the bridge, your arms are still put to work with some tough overhanging sections. Plus, since the steps are made with smooth metal, you get the impression that you are walking on banana peels! After this section, you climb to a grass and earth section.
    You can avoid this demanding first part by taking the easier via ferrata which was set up in order to go around this particularly athletic section.

    The second part is a bit more technical and vertiginous. You have the opportunity to touch the rock and make sure you pay attention to where you are placing your well-equipped-with-good-vibram-soled-shoes feet. But, of course, you already know that one only climbs via ferrats with the proper shoes!

    In short, it's strenuous, it doesn't climb too much and it's often overhanging.

    As you approach the waterfall, you will cross a superb crack in the rock. Hmmmm, it is very narrow and one barely makes it through with a backpack.
    So, if you have a little extra padding, you'll have to suck in your stomach. But, it's really awesome!
    You then arrive in front of the waterfall, and here is the second exit.

    You can go behind the waterfall and take the zipline.

    Way Back

    If you exit before the waterfall: the way down is super slippery!
    If you exit after the waterfall: the way down is super slippery!


    Where to Spend the Night

    There is a camping and some nice rooms in guest houses in les Diablerets.





    par Boris Bettex, Youtube

  • 505e Via Ferrata Tour d'Ai, Leysin, Vaud, Switzerland

    Via Ferrata Tour d'Aï, Leysin, Vaud



       Footbridges     Monkey Bridge       Ladder          Zipline    
    2 0 0 0



     Vertiginous with a superb panorama on Lake Geneva, the Valais Alps, and Mt-Blanc. A bit difficult for children and beginners.

    Some steps are a bit high/too far for people of average height.


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

    Take your mountain bike (MTB) with you or rent one there, for the way down to Leysin is very nice.

    A picnic is a must. At the summit of the via ferrata you can enjoy the incredible panorama while you eat.

    Parking. We already received some messages from the Tourism Office and some inhabitants of Leysin lamenting our rant about the fact that there are no free parking spaces for the users of the via ferrata.
    Consequently, we are making an effort to commend this great initiative to welcome tourists to the station with a fine if they do not pay for their parking and we really think its super cool and nice that they put a free parking lot 4km away from there. It would have been totally stupid for them to offer a combined lift and parking ticket for the users of the via ferrata as we suggested.



     Strength  2
     Dizziness  2
     Type            High-Mountain:  1         
     Technics                1
     Evaluation  Difficule



    Office du Tourisme de Leysin

    Lifts: Télé-Leysin.


    Length and Altitude

    Lenght 320 m.

    Elevation Gain: 150 m.


    Time of Year

    End of May to mid-October. Check with the lifts for the official start of the season.
    Not practicable in the winter.



    Approach from the top of the lift: 45 minutes
    Via Ferrata 1h00 à 1h30
    Way down to the mountain pasture: 45 minutes
    To the parking lot: 30 minutes with an MTB, and 1h30 by foot.


    By Car

    From Geneva, take the highway towards Lausanne and then Sion-Martigny. From Chamonix and Aosta take the highway towards Martigny-Suisse. In Martigny take the highway towards Lausanne-Geneva. Exit at Aigle (25km).

    In Aigle take the N 11, towards Château d'Oex, les Diablerets, Leysin.


    By Train

    Prends le train jusqu'à Aigle et ensuite jusqu'à Leysin.
    Take the train to Aigle and then to Leysin.
    Contact the SBB, for train and bus schedules and fares.


    Geolocalisation bp



    Take the Berneuse lift.

    There are few indications and markings, so you must have faith. When you arrive at the summit of the lifts you will see the Kuklos rotating restaurant. Look towards the restaurant. A mountain with a cliff rises in the background to its right. This is where you will find the Tour D'Aï ferrata.

    Go down the very steep trail that leads to some small houses and a charming lake. Once you are at the bottom, climb up the hill on the left following the cables and poles of the lift. You will find a little trail that will lead you to the start. (see the picture from the guide at the top of the page).


    Via Ferrata

    There are some difficult moves from the very beginning. If you get pass them... you should be fine for the rest. Otherwise, turn back now gringo!

    A little traverse up and down... brings you to the foot of the chimney. You will have to get past it... it's a nice opportunity to play Santa Claus. We hope that after this you will realize how hard Santa really works and that this coming winter you will leave him some cookies by the chimney...

    It's a bit overhanging at the end of the chimney, but only a bit, and you get to see the void all around you. You arrive tranquilly to the summit of this via. Just one more little section, great for photos. The summit of the via is almost a classic.

    Once you arrive on the plateau, you can make the most of an unforgettable and splendid panorama.


    Way Back

    The way down is a bit athletic, around 40 minutes. Be careful, there have already been deaths.

    Once you arrive at the lake, you can get your bikes (if you came with your MTBs)... and off you go, down either to Leysin or Aigle.

    If you came by foot, the concept is the same, but the way down to Leysin is a bit longer.


    Where to Spend the Night

    Camping Semiramis: Tel: +41 24 494 11 48 .



    vidéo par, Youtube


  • 506e Via Ferrata Videmanette Initiation Rougemont Vaud Switzerland

    Via Ferrata Videmanette, Rougemont, Vaud



       Footbridge      Monkey Bridge       Ladder          Zipline    
    0 0 0 0



     This is an introduction to Via Ferratas for beginners and children and if the first part is okay, there is a second part that is a tad more demanding.


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

    Take your MTB for the way down to Rougemont. A bit steep at the beginning, but very nice in the end.



     Via 1:   1
     Via 2:  2
     Dizziness  Via 1:   1
     Via 2:   2
     Type  High-Mountain
     Via 1:  3
     Via 2:  2
     Technics                       1
     Evaluation  Via 1:  Initiation
     Via 2:  Difficult



    Tourism Office:  Rougemont-Château d'Oex


    Length and Altitude

    500 m et 200 m (2 parts),
    Start at  2'130 m
    Finish at 2'284 m


    GPS Coordinates

    E 007 12.444


    Time of Year

    When the lifts are open. (usually June to September).



    Approach from the top of the lifts 3 min.
    ViaFerrata:  15-20 minutes
    Way back: 15 minutes


    By Car

    Highway Geneva-Lausanne: exit at Aigle-> towards Château-d'Oex.
    From Fribourg: exit the highway at Bulle,  towards Château-d'Oex.

    Once you are in Château-d'Oex go towards Gstaad, Saanen. Once you are in Rougemont, go right at the roundabout and go down towards the river where there are some lifts.


    By Train

    The train leaves from Montreux and stops in Rougemont. Contact the SBB, for schedules and fares.


    Geolocalisation bp



    Take the lifts to the top of the Videmanette, here is the start of the via,
    For the super athletic, it is possible to walk up from Rougemont. Good luck!


    Via Ferrata

    There are no major difficulties except for a small part that is a little strenuous and an ity-bity vertiginous section.

    Excellent for beginners and for those who love walking. The ferrata is divided into two parts. On the way up, take the path on the left which is more like a ferrata. The path on the right is mostly used for the way down, and presents no difficulties. There is a beautiful panorama at the summit.

    It is possible to dine at the restaurant.


    Way Back

    Take the path that leads to the restaurant and the top of the lifts.

    Where to Spend the Night

    Camping with a pool in Chateau d'Oex.





  • 507e Via Ferratta Videmanette 3 Rougemont Vaud Switzerland

    Via Ferrata Videmanette 3: Sportive Rougemont



       Footbridge      Monkey Bridge       Ladder          Zipline    
    0 0 1 0



    Extremely vertiginous with some technical sections.

    Holds directly on the rock, big distances between the fixed points of the lifeline.

    Enough vertigo to last you a lifetime!


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

    Take your MTB for the way down to Rougemont. It's a bit steep at the beginning, but very nice in the end.

    Don't go alone, this one is quite impressive. The void is ever present!



     Strength  4
     Dizziness  4
     Type    High Mountain: 2  
     Technics   2
     Evaluation                   Very Difficult


    Office Tourisme Rougemont-Château d'Oex

    Lifts: remontées mécaniques de la Videmanette

    Length and Altitude

    Start  2'100 m
    Finish 2'284 m
    Length: 400 m

     GPS Coordinates

    E 007 12.444


    Time of Year

    When the lifts are open. (June to September usually).
    Careful, the operating times of the lifts change depending on what day of the week it is.



    Approach from the top of the lifts: 3 min.
    Via Ferrata : 45 minutes
    Way back: 15 minutes


    By Car

    Highway Geneva-Lausanne: exit at Aigle-> towards Château-d'Oex.
    From Fribourg: exit the highway at Bulle,  towards Château-d'Oex.

    Once you are in Château-d'Oex go towards Gstaad, Saanen. Once you are in Rougemont, go right at the roundabout and go down towards the river where there are some lifts.


    By Train

    The train leaves from Montreux and stops in Rougemont. Contact the SBB, for schedules and fares.


    Geolocalisation bp



    Take the lifts to the top of the Videmanette, here is the start of the via,
    For the super athletic, it is possible to walk up from Rougemont. Good luck!

    20 meters before the start of the other via ferratas, go left into the talus that is on the same side as the lifts. You should see the ladder that starts the via. The way down is a bit difficult, be careful...

    The presence of the void is sensational.


    Via Ferrata

    It starts off really hard with a chimney where you have to place your feet on either side of the walls. At the top, you will have to think a bit to figure out how to get out. Void with a big V.

    One wonders how Santa Claus can manage this!!! I'll attempt to describe the situation for you... you have three steps... and then nothing at all. The void seems to exaggerate his presence here.

    If you have trouble with this first part, turn back. The rest is even more difficult, and what's more, up above with the void, it's a whole other story.

    You then continue with a nice traverse...and there... there, there... like us you will have a hard time finding words. This last part starts immediately with a huge sensation of void. There are more than 200m under your little feet! The steps are quite far from each other, as are the cable's fixed points. Once you arrive to the ladder of the void, you'll be greeted by an overhang that will use up what's left of your arms.

    Next, you exit the via, through a fairly tricky section. Make sure you don't kick any rocks onto the heads of your friends climbing beneath you.

    At the summit, you find the easy sections of the other via ferrats.


    Way Back

    Take the path that leads to the restaurant and the top of the lifts.

    Where to Spend the Night

    Camping with a pool in Chateau d'Oex.





  • 509e Via Ferrata Diavolo, Andermatt, Uri, Switzerland

    Via Ferrata Diavolo, Andermatt, Uri


       Footbridge   Monkey Bridge    Ladders     Zipline  
    0 0 2 0



    For beginners or children, even if, as the Little Prince said in a whisper, many adults are still kids at heart...
    The whole route overlooks the famous Devil's Bridge.

    A truly spectacular itinerary through the granite of the Schöllenen, interspersed with grassy sections.


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

    Warning: the route is equipped with 265 stakes/pitons and not metal steps. This can be dangerous in wet conditions.

    Account for half a day to complete this via ferrata, and then zoom in your car, past the Susten pass and to the Tälli refuge (it is not very far). That way in the afternoon you'll be able to do the Talli ferrata and so pass from granite to what a grand idea for a week-end that is... This option is only for those who have strength and are in good physical condition.

    Because of the stakes/pitons that are used instead of the traditional steps, make sure you take good hiking shoes.



     Strength     1
     Dizziness                               2
     Type         High-Mountain: 3
     Technics    2
     Evaluation   Beginner 



    Office du Tourisme d'Andermatt.


    Length and Altitude

    Start: 1'410 m
    Finish: 1'860 m

    Elevation Gain: 450 m


    GPS Coordinates


    Time of Year

    Mid-June to October



    Approach: 10 minutes
    Ferrata: 1h30
    Way back: 45 minutes


    By Car

    1km before Andermatt at the Devil's bridge site.

    You can get there by leaving the Lucerne-Lugano highway just before the north entrance of the Gothard tunnel (Göschnen exit) and by taking the pass road (highway exit- devil's bridge = about 8km).


    By Train

    Take the Furka-Oberalp train from Göschenen to Andermatt. 20 short minutes by foot, and there you go, you already feel the via ferrata air (Devil's Bridge)
    Contact the SBB, for train schedules and fares.


    Geolocalisation bp



    From the Andermatt station via the main road (there is a sign) by l'Urner Loch to the Schöllenen gorge.

    The start of the via is near the devil's bridge bistro next to the monument in the memory of Souvarov's army (50 meters on foot from the road and the parking!)


    Via Ferrata

    The via ferrata takes place in this magic all granite setting, with some grassy sections that are steep and slippery at times if the conditions are wet.

    The cable covers the entire length of the route. There are some bars, quite a lot of pitons, and 2 ladders. And for your pleasure there are no "muscle-man" sections.

    2/3 of the way is a little bench where you can take a break. The view is especially worthwhile... The setting is absolutely splendid, a river winds its way through a gorge against the backdrop of high alpine summits.

    A long un-secured traverse leads to the final section of the itinerary (gold book): a couloir, a rocky exposed angle and to finish a vertical ladder, and then we arrive on the edge of the Tüfelstalboden (env. 1860m). Just a bit higher is the welcome air of a nice break under the Uri flag with a view on the granite peaks of the Salbitschijen.


    Way Back

    From the end of the via ferrata, the path is well marked (white/red/white markings)  to go back down to Andermatt, and then go along the road to get back to the car, all of this (the way down) takes about 45 minutes.


    Where to Spend the Night

    Since authorities have let a big eyesore in the form of the oversized (but empty) Palace be built, it is difficult to find affordable accomodations in this area.

    We tried out the Youth Hostel 5km from Andermatt: Walchwilerhus, Gotthardstrasse, 6493 Hospental. It doesn't look like much from the outside, but it's really nice inside and the staff was really friendly.
    Tel. +41 (0)41 759 80 10




    par uster727, Youtube

  • 510e Via Ferrata Baltschiedertal, Baltschieder, Valais, Switzerland

    Via Ferrata de Baltschiedertaler, Baltschieder, Valais



     Passerelle  Pont de singe    Echelle    Tyrolienne 
    1 0 0 0


    Located in a magnificent area. The view and the setting are very beautiful. But you will need the better part of a day to complete it.
    It's long, in the style of Dolomite via ferratas.


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

    You are in a high mountain setting, be wary of changes in the weather.

    Take warm clothes and enough chocolate to keep you going. Avoid going if it just rained or if the conditions are wet. There are a lot of slippery parts and they are not always secured.



     Physique  4
     Gaz  3
     Type  Haute montagne: 3 
     Technique  3 
     Evaluation  Très Difficile 



    Wiwannihütte, the hut that maintains the via ferrata.


    Length and Altitude

    Start: 2'027 m
    Finish: 2'444 m
    Elevation Gain:  910 m
    Via Ferrata Length: 2'100 m


    GPS Coordinates


    Time of Year




    Via Ferrata approach: 2h30 – 3h
    Via Ferrata: 3-4 heures
    Way back: 2h30


    By Car

    Cross the entire Valais towards Brig.

    After the town of Rarogne (Raron in German) and near Viège/Visp, follow directions for Baltschieder (Baltschiedertal).


    By Train

    You can get there from Sion or from the canton of Bern via the Lotschberg. Contact the SBB, for schedules and fares. The cursor indicates the Wiwanni Hut.


    Geolocalisation bp



    Well, I'm going to start with a rant: you have to pay for parking!!! and it's really expensive. Have a minimum of 6 to 7.— Frs. for your place at the via. And a lot more if you're planning on sleeping at the hut!

    Back to the subject. The said parking is found across from to the Sonnehalde Restaurant.

    But if you don't like to walk, continue on the toll road towards Nirwarch (account for 10.-- Frs.) and drive until you get to the first hairpin. There is a parking nearby.

    Otherwise you can leave your car at the bottom and walk this section. This takes about 30 minutes.

    From there, follow the path towards the Baltschieder Hut (follow the red and white markings). A nice stream accompanies you until the path gets steeper. Be careful this trail is vertiginous when it is narrow.

    After a good climb, you will find a white/blue marked trail on the left. This is the trail for the via ferrata.


    Via Ferrata

    The Via Ferrata starts with a steep section and then goes into a crack. The slope is not very steep and you are in contact with the rock. It's nice.

    Next comes a little ordeal. An interminable path in the grass, mud, and rocks. He who is forewarned is forearmed, so don't have a panic attack!

    The cable is interrupted by a section that is a bit risky and then you get to the second part of the via ferrata. There, you will go along a big boulder that overlooks the gorges. The landscape is incredible!

    The via ferrata ends along a rocky ridge.


    Way Back

    It takes about 30 minutes to get to the hut when following the blue/white trail.


    Where to Spend the Night

    Wiwannihütte  027 923 09 03  next to the 3001m Wiwannihorn.

    Two hotels in the area:

    Hotel Bahnhof  027 946 22 59

    Hotel Sonnenhalde  027 946 25 83.



  • 511e Via Ferrata Jägihorn, Saas Fee, Valais, Switzerland

    Via Ferrata de Jägihorn, Saas Fee in Valais



       Footbridges    Monkey Bridge    Ladders     Zipline  
    0 0 5 0


    Starts from a hut at 2,726m... 5 ladders with 400 rungs...


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

    This is a veritable alpine route where you will climb all the way to 3,206m. Take the necessary clothes and equipment.
    This ferrata is very long. You had better be feeling your best and in excellent shape to complete it.



     Strength  4
     Dizziness  3
      Type      High Mountain: 2
      Technics   2
      Evaluation Very Difficult


    Saas Fee Tourism Office


    Length and Altitude

    More than 1'000 m. of cable.
    Start of the Via Ferrata: 2'820 m.
    End of the ViaFerrata: 3'206 m.

    GPS Coordinates


    Time of Year

    End of June to September.



    Approach: 1h15
    ViaFerrata: 3h00
    Way back: 1h30
    It takes 5-7 hours to complete the whole thing!!!

    By Car

    Valais highway towards Brig. From Brig go towards Saas Fee- Zermatt. It takes about an hour from Sion.


    By Train

    There is a train to this destination. Contact the SBB, for train schedules and fares.


    Geolocalisation bp



    Take the Saas-Grund-Kreuzboden 2400 lift. Then for the approach you'll walk a good hour and 15 minutes.

    From the Kreuzboden station (2,397m)  towards the Weissmies huts. A sign points to the via ferrata. Take the marked trail passing on the Triftbach, then climb the steep crest of the moraine until you get to the long flat traverse to the start of the via ferrata (about 2820m).


    Via Ferrata

    You go around a rocky projection on the left thanks to a life-line, then you climb on some steps in a characteristic couloir.

    From there, it gets steeper and steeper. There are some hooks where holds are lacking. Be careful not to provoke any rock falls!

    The rough and abrupt climb of the rock is stimulating, it is a bit vertiginous to the first ladder.

    A series of ladders higher up the wall. It's fairly strenuous. You get to the final rungs via a steep slope, juste below the secondary summit (3150m).

    To the left after a ledge is a secured almost continuous downclimb (a ladder) and it is partially vertiginous along the west ridge until the gap (3096 m) in front of the Jägihorn.

    Go to the left of the sharp ridge (very original) to the starting point of the ascent towards the proper summit. At the rocky block, the climb is at first easy and then gets more and more steep and vertiginous. Now comes a particularly original abrupt section where the crampons are placed directly over the ridge.

    To finish a flatter part leads to the wide summit.


    Way Back

    It takes about 30 minutes to get to the Weissmies Refuge by following the blue/white trail in the west face of the mountain that descends to a steep rocky couloir.

    Be careful, it's vertiginous. The way down zig-zags and leads to the small valley via an abrupt pile of fallen rocks. Here you can choose to go towards the Weissmies hut or go directly towards the valley to the Kreuzboden station.


    Where to Sleep

    Weissmies Refuge: +41 (0)27 957 25 54

    Vidéo par OutdoorRolf





  • 513e Via Ferrata d'Evolène, Evolène, Valais, Switzerland

    Via Ferrata d'Evolene, Evolène in Valais


     Footbridge    Monkey Bridge     Ladder    Zipline  
    0 0 1 0


    In 3 parts...and none are insignificant...
    1 ladder, 3 overhanging sections that work the arms, beautiful view on Evolène. And vertiginous!
    Not for everyone. Only for those who have already done via ferratas before.


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

    If you do this one at sunset... you will enjoy a view that is absolutely magnificent. There are three parts and an escape route exists between the three parts.

    Bring your camera, the view of the village is very beautiful



     Strength  Partie 1: 3
     Partie 2: 1
     Partie 3: 4
     Dizziness  Partie 1: 3
     Partie 2: 2
     Partie 3: 4
     Type  Mountain: 1
     Technics     2
     Evaluation Extreme



    Office du Tourisme d'Evolène.


    Length and Altitude

    Length: 700 m
    Elevation gain: 400 m
    Altitude: 1'497 m


     GPS Coordinates

    N 46’06.460
    E 007’30.242


    Time of Year

    From spring to autumn.



    Approach: 5 minutes

    Via Ferrata
    Part 1: 15-20  minutes
    Part 2: 5-10 minutes
    Part 3: 25 minutes

    Way back: 15 minutes


    By Car

    Rendez-vous in Valais. From Geneva take the highway towards Lausanne-Sion. From Chamonix and Aoste go towards Martigny and then take the highway towards Sion.

    In Sion, take the second exit (hospital). Go off to your left and at the last roundabout where the Tamoil Gas Station is, go towards Vex, Val d'Hérens. Evolène is found up there. On the road you'll see the Euseigne pyramids. It's beautiful!


    By Train

    Go to Sion and then take the bus from the Sion train station.

    Contact the SBB for train fares and schedules.


    Geolocalisation bp



    Don't go into the village of Evolène, stay on the road that goes to Arolla.

    200m after the Coop store, you'll find a little parking lot on your left. That's when you'll give your wheels a break and put your muscles to work.
    Go up towards the forest (mountainside) to find your way to the base of the cliff. Everything is marked.

    To get to the beginning of the "easy" part of the "Chamois Ledge", take the path that goes up on the right.


    Via Ferrata

    Your journey starts with an overhang that, on top of taking your breath away, drains your arms of strength! The first overhang is followed by a second that is no less tricky. For your humble servant, who is taller than most, it was all rock & roll.

    If you get past this first obstacle, you should be fine for the rest. Otherwise, the goose is cooked at this point, it's all over. Give up and go to the Via Nax...

    Next comes a more tranquil section: a traverse where you are in contact with the rock, where you will be able to enjoy the view. After going up a nice ladder, you find yourself at the escape route: The Mélèze.

    Chamois Ledge

    The second part, the "Chamois Ledge," is a simple transition to the last part. If you want to leave before the last part, you can exit at the Mélèze.

    The Big Wall
    A splendid vertical wall of 130m. It's overhanging, strenuous, nerve-wracking, and vertiginous. Simply put, if you are not a via ferrata beast, don't go! Or if you do, hire a guide. The local guides are very competent and if you ask them, they'll speak to you in the local dialect! (Evolène has been able to keep its traditions and its language)

    The way back from the Big Wall is splendid (see the picture) as you have the Dent Blanche peak in front of you! The trail to go back is very well maintained. It's a real delight!


    Way Back

    You can either go to the left along the ridge on the Jura altitude trail towards the start (and back to the train s tation) or by the forested crest that dominates the restaurant parking lot. It's well signed.


    Where to Sleep

    Evolène Campground Youtube




  • 515e Via Ferrata the Pilier, Moléson, Gruyère, Fribourg, Switzerland

    Via Ferrata the Pilier Moléson, Gruyère, Fribourg



       Footbridge      Monkey Bridge       Ladder          Zipline    
    0 0 0 0



    Splendid panorama, long, varied.
    It costs 4.-- Frs. for adults and 2.-- Frs. for children.


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

    Take a picnic with you. The panorama at the top of the via ferrata is truly something to be savoured and the restaurant accepts picknickers! (buy a drink... they are nice...).
    The via is entirely in the shade. Bring an extra layer in case the weather is not very warm...
    The Moléson is a superb resort!!! After the via you can enjoy summer sledding,devalkarting, or grass-scootering.

    The lifts are open at 9h00. Make sure they are open if you want to take the funicular to get to the via ferrata.

    What to eat in this region: the double Gruyère cream with the Gruyère meringues.



     Strength        2
     Dizziness        3
     Type    High Mountain: 2        
      Technics                     1
     Evaluation      Difficult



    Tourism Office Moléson Gruyère.


    Length and Altitude

    Length: 650 m
    Altitude gain: 372 mètres
    Start: 1'630m

    GPS Coordinates

    N 46'33'363
    E 007'33'363
    Alt. 1'522 m.


    Time of Year

    From spring to autumn.



    Approach from the top of the funicular: 20 minutes
    Via Ferrata: 2 hours
    Way back: way back with the lifts from the lifts from the summit of Moléson. On foot, 1h30.


    By Car

    A12 Vevey- Fribourg-Bern, Highway exit: Bulle
    When you exit the highway, take the first exit of the roundabout (next to the gas station) towards Moléson-Gstaad
    Next go to "Le Moléson"


    By Train

    To Bulle and then by bus or train to Gruyère.
    Via Montreux: Montbovon to the Gruyères train station, then by bus to Moléson-sur-Gruyères.

    Contact the SBB, for schedules and fares.


    Geolocalisation bp



    It's very simple. In Moléson, park near the bottom of the funicular.

    From the Moléson-sur-Gruyères parking lot, go towards Plan-Francey on foot (1h15) or with the funicular (7 min, leaving every 20 min, at...h00,...h20,...h40). (14.-- Frs. there and back).

    In Plan Francey you can rent via ferrata equipment.

    In Plan-Francey follow the Via Ferrata signs for about 20 min and you will get to the base of the wall. The via ferrata described in this article is found on the left along the ridge, and is not the one that is on the right in the rock face.


    Via Ferrata

    Unlike its neighbour to the right which climbs into the rock face, this via ferrata starts strong and finishes in a more relaxed manner.

    After a charming traverse of the rock, you arrive to a section that is more exposed and frankly vertiginous and very demanding for your arms. Here, you have a simple equation: Void + Strenuous = for fit via ferraters.
    Nevertheless, there is an escape route to avoid this section.

    The second part is a mish-mash between a grassy (or muddy) section and via ferrata.
    Falling rocks are common, be very careful.

    This version is easier than its neighbour and can be done by beginners, so long as you take the escape route and so long as the void doesn't scare you too much.
    It's up to you, if you are in shape and you have experience with via ferratas, its little sister on the left is the "sexier" choice.


    Way Back

    From the top, you can go down on foot via Tsuatsaux (2h30 to the parking lot), via Gros-Plané (1h45 to the parking lot) or with the lifts (4 min to the upper train station).

    Where to Spend the Night

    Contact the Tourism Office. The Moléson is a really nice resort.


    Olivier Buchs Youtube


  • 517e ViaFerrata Loèche, Loèche, Valais, Switzerland

    Via Ferrata Loèche, Loèche in Valais



       Footbridge     Monkey Bridge    Ladders     Zipline  
    1 0 +10 0



    The longest via ferrata in Switzerland (time)

    There are two ferratas to choose from:
    - Mieläs-Loèche les Bains, the easiest, with 5 ladders
    -Daubenhorn, with an incalculable number of ladders and 6 hours worth of via ferrata.


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

    The probability of receiving a pebble on your head is as high as the expensive cost of the obligatory parking lots in Loèche.

    The traditional metal steps in the rock were replaced by some stakes, some nails. If you fall it hurts and you can be skewered. You have been warned.

    Stiff hiking boots are necessary to walk on the stakes and for the way down (on the snowfield).

    If rain is in the forecast, abandon any plans for climbing because of falling rocks (which in dry weather are already frequent). Personally, I would never bring a child here!

    Take at least 1,5 liters of water, for the via is very long.

    Park your car at the bottom of the lifts. It is the least expensive parking lot of the resort.

    The last lift to go down is at 18h. If you do not want to endure one hour of downhill, leave early in the morning.


    Grade for Mielas

     Strength  3
     Dizziness  4
     Type  High Mountain / 3
     Technics  2
     Evaluation  Very difficult

    Grade for Daubenhorn

     Dizziness 4
     Type  High Mountain /  3
     Technics  2
     Evaluation                           Extrem 




    Office du Tourisme de Leukerbad


    Length and Altitude

    Start: 2'060 m
    Summit of the Via Ferrata: 2'941 m 


    Time of Year

    July to end of September.



    Mieläs-Loèche les Bains; about 5h
    Daubenhorn; about 8h, 6 hours of via ferrata, 2h of downhill


    By Car

    From Geneva take the highway towards Lausanne-Sion. From Chamoix and Aosta go towards Martigny and then towards Sion.

    After Sion, continue towards Sierre- La Souste and then zoom zoom towards Brig.

    In Susten, go left towards Loèche les Bains, or Leukerbad (over there they speak German)

    Drop your car off in front of the Gemmi lifts, it's cheapest and most practical solution. All the parking lots of the resort are paying and are watched with the eyes of a hawk. The debts accumulated by the old big shots of the region have not all been paid off yet!


    By Train

    Go to Sierre with the train and then take the bus from the train station. Contact the SBB schedules and fares.


    Geolocalisation bp



    De la station du téléphérique (2'346 m) jusqu'à l'ancien chemin de la Gemmi et l'ancienne voie du col après quelques tournants (des rampes partiellement), puis en redescendant jusqu'à la Untere Schmitte où un panneau indique la via ferrata (env. 2060 m), 20 min.

    From the lift station (2,346 m) to the old Gemmi trail and the old route for the pass, after a few turns (partially with handrails), and then going down to the Untere Schmitte where a sign points out the via ferrata (about 2060m), 20 min.

    Little via ferrata : A well marked trail goes through a first incline, and then starting at a wild cirque flattens out until you reach the first cables of the via.


    Via Ferrata Part 1: Mieläs:

    You start this jam-packed day with a long traverse between rock and trails. It looks a lot like climbing. You are constantly in contact with the rock. There are few stakes and no steps. You have the option of either clutching the cable or playing with the rock.

    Here, a surprise, you will discover the first aldder. You won't need to take a picture, it's not the last one you'll see... this via is a series of ladders!!!

    Before getting to the junction of the Daubenhorn via or the junction that allows you to go back down to the Gemmi, 76 m of ladders await you.


    Beginning of the 2nd part - The Chimney

    You have chosen, then, the most athletic option of the day. This part is fairly dangerous. The void is ever present. A very beautiful section in the cavern is the source of a rather refreshing and relaxing moment, which is much appreciated before attacking a section that is a bit more strenuous and slightly overhanging.

    At the summit, take a little break to sign the golden book and then keep going on to the final part.

    Be warned! If you eat your munchies here, make sure that you are on the true summit. Some are tricked and believe they are finished when actually...

    The last ladder is fairly strenuous, especially because of the fatigue accumulated during the day.

    The last part was made longer with the addition of an extra section through a sort of tunnel. This is, however, a physical variant, and you can avoid it.


    Way Back

    Account for 1h30 to 2h.
    Go onto the snowfield and exit on the left at the bottom. The trail is marked with red and white markings.

    Where to Spend the Night

    Contact the Tourism Office. It's not easy to find a place to catch some zzzzs. There are plenty, but the resort is not very affordable.






    par gmillioud Youtube

    par Celine Schlegel Youtube

  • 518e Via Ferrata Plan Praz Leysin Vaud Switzerland

    Via Ferrata Plan Praz, Leysin, Vaud



       Footbridges     Monkey Bridges      Ladders         Zipline    
    2 x 5m 2 2 1



    Following the purest tradition of the new and athletic via ferratas: strenuous and fun.

    Not for all hands! Reserved for the best.

    Not vertiginous, but demanding!


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

    A bit hard to find.

    If it is too hard for you, give up. Go instead to the Tour d'Ai Via Ferrata in Leysin which is a bit easier.

    Difficulty: The first challenge is to find a free parking spot. There is one at the ice-skating rink, but it's a three day walk from here.



     Strength  4
     Dizziness  1
     Type     Mountain:  2   
     Technics  2
     Evaluation                    Extreme     



    Leysin Tourism Office : we will put the link up when the parking lot issue for via ferrata-ists is resolved.

    Length and Altitude

    Length: 320 m.
    Altitude gain: 150 m.


    Time of Year

    April to November (when there isn't any snow)


    Approach from the bottom of the lifts: 25 minutes (if you don't get lost)

    Via Ferrata: 1h00 to 1h30

    Way back to the parking lot:  35 minutes


    By Car

    From Geneva, take the highway towards Lausanne and then Sion-Martigny. From Chamonix and Aosta go towards Martigny-Suisse. In Martigny take the highway towards Lausanne-Genève. Exit at Aigle (25km).

    Once in Aigle, take the N 11 towards Château d'Oex, les Diablerets, Leysin.


    By Train

    Take the train to Aigle and then to Leysin.
    Contact the SBB for train and bus schedules and fares.


    Geolocalisation bp



    At the bottom of the lifts, follow the road that goes up (the one on the right).

    Be careful if you park your car in the street going up, make sure your car is facing downhill as it is a one way street. This way you won't get a parking ticket.

    On your right, you pass by a shelter for trash cans that has a REKA sign. Take the little road going up.

    You come to a mini parking lot. From here, go left towards a gray house with green shutters which goes by the gentle name of "A Tout Vent" ("By Any Wind").

    Near this house, keep going onto an unpaved trail (straight ahead). You will get to a forest and a pleasant trail climbs up on your right. The via ferrata is not much further, Papa Smurf!


    Via Ferrata: in 3 parts

    Part 1
    Well... it all begins with the most rock&roll section! It starts with a tiltled overhang. It's tough on the arms and is not for all hands. On your way you will discover a rope bridge and a beam that is not so easy to get on.

    This part is only for the very best, as it is frankly very strenuous.

    Part 2

    This part is a bit more tranquil, it starts with a grassy and earthen uphill. But since you'll be wearing your sturdy hiking shoes, you won't have any problems.

    And bingo, you come across a new overhang that works your arms... It starts to get hard. A nice aerial footbridge in the trees leads you to the last part.

    Part 3

    With the fatigue you have already accumulated from the first two sections, it gets harder and harder. We'll be brief! Once you see the first ladder, you are there. When you get to the second ladder, your little feet will finally touch the ground. Now you can breathe a sigh of relief!

    A guaranteed good time!


    Way Back

    Like on the way there, but the opposite.

    Where to Spend the Night

    Camping Semiramis: Tel: +41 24 494 11 48.



  • 519e Via Ferrata Allmenalp, Kandersteg, Bern, Switzerland

    Via Ferrata Allmenalp, Kandersteg, Bern



       Footbridges     Monkey Bridge       Ladders         Ziplines   
    2 30 m 4 2



    Not for everyone. Very technical.

    There are stakes instead of the traditional metal steps. Lots of contact with the rock. The stakes can present a certain risk. Be very careful if you want to bring children.


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

    Pay attention to the weather! It changes very quickly in Kandersteg. If rain is imminent, don't go. The stream can swell very quickly and you will be stuck in the via! We once stayed 2 hours waiting for a thunderstorm to pass and there were many falling rocks.

    Hiking shoes with an excellent sole are mandatory!



     Strength  4
     Dizziness 4
     Type     High-Mountain: 3   
     Technics                 3
     Evaluation       Extreme



    Office du TourismeKandersteg


    Length and Altitude

    Altitude gain: 350 m
    Start altitude:  1'176 m

    Time of Year

    June to October (when the lifts are open)



    Approach: 20 minutes
    Via Ferrata: 3h00
    Way back: with the lifts or 2h on foot.


    By Car

    Go past Bern and continue towards Thun. Then go up towards Kandersteg.


    By Train

    Go to Thun and then take the bus. Contact the SBB for schedules and fares.


    Geolocalisation bp



    From the Kandersteg train station take the hiking trail that goes towards the valley. Where the Allmibach flows into the Kander, head north to the right of the stream until you get to the starting point at about 1250 m.

    From the lower lift station of the Allmenalp, after a farm, cross the river on a bridge.

    From the bottom of the lifts, follow the blue and white trail (Klettersteig). Parking is free.


    Via Ferrata

    The route follows the Allmibach waterfall and the scene is very romantic. Everything starts off with three ladders and a vertiginous climb. Instead of going up traditional steps, you climb on stakes.

    It's pretty different from the usual via ferratas and a bit awkward. It's slippery and you must have adequate footwear (tennis shoes and flip flops are prohibited).

    You cross over the waterfall via a long footbridge. Here, a path takes you to the next section.

    A twisting ladder will make you rotate 180 degrees and you will gain a new perspective on the waterfall. It's very vertiginous, but you remain in contact with the rock along a ridge.

    If you are with a guide you can go on the zipline (it is locked, hence, you must have a guide)

    You keep climbing and traverse a wooden footbridge and you then have the choice between a zipline or a very vertiginous rope bridge! Going up to the zipline in wet weather is a real challenge. The steps that were put in place have no profile, they are real soapstones. Be careful!

    Crossing the monkey bridge is moment of pure intensity! The last part overlooks the entire via and is easier.


    Way Back

    If you make it before 18h00, the lifts are still open. The restaurant next to the lifts is really nice and the pies are excellent.

    If you arrive after 18h00, be prepared for 2 hours of not always well-marked downhill. To get back to the resort, follow the road for 30 minutes and then the yellow signs. If you get lost, tell yourself that you are neither the first nor the last!

    Where to Spend the Night

    Check with the Tourism Office. Interlaken is really nice and there are several campgrounds.

    par Josh Turner Youtube


  • 520e Via ferrata San Salvatore, Paradiso, Tessin, Switzerland

    Via Ferrata San Salvatore, Lugano, Tessin



       Footbridge      Monkey Bridge       Ladder          Zipline    
    0 0 0 0



    San Salvatore is Lugano's emblematic mountain. This imposing mountain south of the city offers a 360° panorama of the lake, scenery to the south, and the high Alps to the west. It is also know as the "Sugarloaf."

    This via ferrata was imported from the Dolomites, that is to say that the rock face is minimally equipped. You will have to be in contact with the rock to climb it.

    It's open all year except when there is snow or other inclement weather.


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

    Make sure you bring your camera, the view on lake Lugano is splendid.

    It's a good idea to bring a pair of gloves. And proper shoes too!



     Strength  3
     Dizziness 4
     Type        Mountain: 3      
     Technics                     1
     Evaluation       Very Difficult



    Funiculaire Monte San Salvatore

    Tourism Office of Lugano


    Length and Altitude

    Altitude gain: 130 m
    Length: 300 m
    Start of the via ferrata: 715 m
    Top of the via ferrata: 845 m


    Time of Year

    June to October (when the lifts are open)



    Approach: 50 minutes (if you go to the intermediary station on foot)
    Via Ferrata: 1h00
    Way Back: with the lifts or 2h on foot.


    By Car

    Simply go to Lugano and then towards San Salvatore. The mountain can be seen from anywhere.


    By Train

    To Lugano. Contact the SBB for schedules and fares.


    Geolocalisation bp



    With the funicular from the start of the Lugano-Paradiso to the Monte San Salvatore.

    If you want to go on foot, a marked path leads you to the intermediary funicular station of Pazzallo (490 m) and then to the start of the via ferrata (about 50 minutes).


    Via Ferrata

    This via ferrata is demanding and only for those who have good biceps. There is a lot of void and very little equipment, so you must use the rock.

    To be avoided when its raining and if the rock is wet.


    Way Back

    At the top of the via ferrata, you can either go frolicking down to Pazzallo on the beautiful path or you can go up to the summit in 20 minutes and from there take the funicular.

    Where to Sleep

    Check with the Lugano Tourism Office.

    par Salvatore Torre Youtube




  • 522e Via Ferrata des Rochers de Naye, Montreux, Vaud, Switzerland

    Via Ferrata des Rochers de Naye, Montreux, Vaud


       Footbridge      Monkey Bridge       Ladder          Zipline    
    0 0 1 0



    One of the most beautiful via ferratas in the world with a splendid view on Lake Geneva. Lots of contact with the rock for both hands and feet. A gem!

    Not for everyone. Reserved for those with experience and strong arms.

    The last part is opens only on the first of July (due to nesting birds)


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

    Bring your MTB aboard the Golden Pass train and also a camera because the landscape is splendid. You can ride down all the way to Montreux. Nonetheless the Golden Pass train costs an arm and a leg.

    You can choose to go down the caverns (on the way back). Bring a headlamp and try not to wear white pants!

    Take some good hiking shoes (with vibram). You'll be in contact with the rock frequently and sometimes with muddy earthy grass sections. It is prohibited to wear tennis shoes (as it is, in fact, for all via ferratas).



     Strength    4
     Dizziness    4
     Type       High Mountain: 2
     Technics            1
     Evaluation   Extreme



    Tourism Office Tourisme Montreux


    Length and Altitude

    Elevation gain : 160 m
    Start : 1'856 m
    End: 1'993 m
    Length: 600 m


    GPS Coordinates

    Parking: if you go by car
    N 46,27 091
    E 06,58 634

    Start of the via ferrata:
    N 46.436587848039
    E 6.9806818993206


    Time of Year

    May to November (snow).



    Approach from the the train stop: Jaman Station: 30 minutes
    Approche from the parking lot: 50 minutes
    Via Ferrata: 1h30 
    Way Back Option A: 5  minutes to get on the train from l'Hôtel de Naye towards Montreux
    Way Back Option B: if you go through the caverns (bring a headlamp) its really nice. Account for 1 hour to the Jaman train stop and twenty minutes to get to the parking lot.


    By car

    From Lausanne: Vevey highway, exit in Montreux.
    Go towards Glion- Caux.
    Continue to the Rochers de Naye and park your car at the Col de Jaman.


    By train

    Via the Golden Pass from Montreux to the Rochers de Naye. Get off at the Jaman stop.

    36.-- Frs per person there and back (18.-- with the half-fare)


    Geolocalisation bp



    From the Jaman station, the via ferrata is located straight ahead of you.

    Go down the path to the ruins of an ancient mountain pasture chalet. Follow the markings to the via ferrata.

    Via Ferrata

    The via ferrata is located between the Tour de la Chaux de Naye and the Rochers de Naye of the north-west side.

    The beginning of this via ferrata is a selective process: a vertical 50m rocky spur and you will reach a ladder.

    You keep going on a narrow ramp that leads out onto a series of grassy ledges which bring you to the bottom of an escape route.

    If you are in shape and feeling good, keep going on the trail that goes down. Otherwise, opt for the escape route that goes up.

    If you keep going, you are going to have to face the void and especially the rock wall (sometimes overhanging) that really works your arms. It is demanding and takes a lot of energy (not for beginners).

    Way Back

    Two options:

    Option A: 5  minutes to the train from l'Hôtel de Naye towards Montreux (18.-- Frs to get to Montreux or 9.-- Frs to Montreux with the half-fare)

    Option B: through the caverns

    If you go through the caverns, each person must have a headlamp. It is very beautiful, and you must not be too big as there is a pretty narrow section. It's vertiginous. Account for 1h45 to get back to the Jaman train stop.

    Where to Sleep

    Check with the Tourism Office.


  • 523e Via ferrata Sulzfluh Sankt Antonien, Graubunden, Switzerland

    Via Ferrata Sulzfluh Sankt Antonien, Graubünden



         Footbridge      Monkey Bridge         Ladders         Zipline    
    0 1 2 0



    Right in the heart of the south face of the Sulfluh. This via ferrata gives you plenty of opportunities to be in contact with the rock. Very vertiginous!

    Excellent views and a magnificent panorama. Rock fall possible (always wear a helmet as well as gloves)


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

    You are in a high mountain setting. Take the necessary precautions as well as all your equipment (rain/wind jacket, warm clothes, excellent shoes).

    If you are a beginner, walk away!



     Strength   4
     Dizziness  4
     Type      High Mountain: 2
     Technics           1
     Evaluation Very difficult
    Very long day



    Tourism office of  St Antonien


    Length and Altitude

    Parking lot altitude: 1'770 m
    Altitude at the start of the Via Ferrata: 2'360 m
    End of the via ferrata: 2'817 m
    Altitude gain: 450 m
    Length: 750 m


    Time of Year

    Mid-June to mid-October (snow).



    from Partnunstafel St-Antonien: 1 hour 30
    from Carschinahütte: 1 hour
    from Tilisunahütte: 2 hours 30

    Way back: 2 hours


    By Car

    The last Swiss village before the border with Austria in the Ratikon massif. It is also the terminus of the postal bus.

    From Chur towards Bad Ragaz. In Landquart, go towards Kublis. In Kublis go up towards Sankt Antonien.


    By Train

    Contact the SBB. The postal bus goes directly to Sankt Antonien.


    Geolocalisation bp



    From Partnun (1,770 m): Walk to the left of and follow the track suitable for motorized vehicles until you reach the bridge. Follow the path going north-west until you reach the Prattigau panoramic trail.
    Climb the steep scree until you reach the the point of attack at the base of the south-east face (2,360m).

    If you come by bus, the part of the approach on the road is fairly long. Above the houses near Partnun, a bridge crosses a stream bearing the same name. A blue sign points  you to the rock-climbing area. From here a trail that gets progressively steeper and rockier leads you to the start of the route.


    Via Ferrata

    The via ferrata starts off with a short ladder. A dihedral wall then leads you to the Obelix traverse. All of this is followed up with a vertical section and there is no way to back after this and no escape route.

    You will discover the Ramp and the Geissrucken which will lead you to a grassy strip (it's important that you wear good hiking shoes - and especially not tennis shoes).

    This is where the void will mess with your head. The Panoramica and the Wall of Lamentations are extremely vertiginous and are obstacles that you must overcome. While we're on the topic of overcoming obstacles, you might as well know that next you'll have to get past two rope bridges and a ladder.

    After exiting the via ferrata you'll get to the cross (2,817 m) in just 5 minutes.


    Way Back

    From the summit, find the trail on the north side (be careful, snow sometimes stays until July). Then go down towards the East towards the white and red markings that line the Gemschtobel (the corridor of fallen rocks). The last part made up of terraces and is equipped with chains.

    Taking a detour to see the Tilisunahute (about 1 hour) is not only easier on your knees, but allows you to make the most of a beautiful setting.

    Where to Spend the Night

    Ask the Tourism Office.

    par m raegi Youtube


  • 524e Via Ferrata Gantrisch, Gurnigel Park, Bern, Switzerland

    Via Ferrata Gantrisch, Gantrisch Park, Gurnigel, Bern




       Footbridge      Monkey Bridge       Ladders         Zipline    
    0 0   2 x soft ladders
    1 x standard 



    This via ferrata is equipped with rungs and stakes/nails. Not always very nice.

    No escape routes. If you start, you finish!


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

    It's possible to rent equipment from the Gurnigel hut.

    This region is full of hikers. Leave early if you want peace.



     Strength   3
     Dizziness  4
     Type      High Mountain: 2
     Technics           1
     Evaluation Difficult



    Office du Tourisme du Lac Noir


    Length and Altitude


    End: 2'175 m.

    Altitude gain: 340 m.


    GPS Coordinates



    Time of Year

    From mid-June to end of October (snow)



    Approach: 45 min
    Via Ferrata: 2h
    Way back: 45 min
    Total: 3h30 - 4h


    By Car

    It's a bit of a mess to get to this via ferrata but the car seems to be the most reliable option.

    Go to the Wasserscheide parking


    By Train

    Contact the SBB.


    Geolocalisation bp



    Look for the via ferrata via the trail that leads to the Leiterepass. You will get to the base of the cliff and from here you can see the via ferrata scrambling up the wall.


    Via Ferrata

    This via ferrata goes up rather steeply and you will discover some sections that are  fairly demanding for your arms. But it's doable and the void envelops you. From the top you can see the starting point, imagine the presence of the void!

    The climb to the top of the Gantrisch ends with several grassy sections.


    Way Back

    You can go towards the Leiterpass on the alpine (as it is designated) trail.


    Where to Spend the Night

    Check with the Tourism Office.

    par m raegi Youtube




  • 526e Via Ferrata Eggstock, Braunwald, Gunen, Glaris, Switzerland

    Via Ferrata Eggstock, Braunwald Gunen, Glaris



       Footbridge      Monkey Bridge       Ladders         Zipline    
    1 x 16 m 0 3 0



    In 3 parts. Backdrop of pristine alpine scenery. A rather impressive section on a ridge.

    Action-packed and includes a long footbridge. Lots of fun.


    ViaFerrata Tips and  Tricks

    Only do it if the weather is stable. Do not go if thunderstorms are in the forecast!

    The last part is really hard and includes a very strenuous overhanging section.

    Check with the Tourism Office to see if the funicular is open.



     Strength    4
     Dizziness    4
     Type       High Mountain: 2
     Technics           2
     Evaluation   Extreme



    Tourisme Office of Braunwald


    Length and Altitude

    Altitude gain : 410 à 700 m.
    Start : 1901 m Bumen
    End : 2'449 m  Hinter Eggstock

    Time of Year

    June to October. Check with the Tourism Office for opening.



    Part 1: 2h45  Leiteregg
    Part 2: 4h30 Mittler Effstock
    Part 3: 5h30 Hinter Eggstock


    By Car

    The city of Braunwald is a resort town without cars. You can get to it from Linthal.


    By Train

    To Braunwald. The automobile-free resort city of Braunwald is accessible with a funicular that leaves from Linthal (direct trains from Zurich)

    Train and bus: schedule and price.


    Geolocalisation bp



    You get to Braunwald (1256m) from Linthal deep in the canton of Glaris- from Zurich via the Ziegelbrücke- with the funicular.

    Then a lift/cablecar to Gumen.

    From the Gumen Berggasthaus (1901 m; information signpost) take the marked trail and cut across on the steep side to where the paragliders take off at the Gumengrat and then go to the left of the entrance fence, and then up some rocky steps (2120m).


    Via Ferrata

    Part 1

    You go past the stacked ledges of the Leiteregg and then the climb gets steeper and steeper until you reach the summit. You pass through a short chimney where there are stakes instead of steps.

    You keep going to the left down a deep crevasse and then abruptly come to a set of rungs that go towards a dihedral under an overhang. You arrive at a platform and vertical wall.

    Next a short downhill towards the Vorder Eggstock where you will come to a junction. On your way down, go under the rocks on the grassy slope to your left (be careful not to make any rocks fall as the climbing crag is right beneath you)

    Two ladders get you to the base of the rock wall. To your left, the way back to the starting point.

    Part 2

    Go diagonally to your right at the junction, the way up will get steeper and steeper until you reach a rocky shoulder. Keep going until you reach an almost vertical ladder, its help will grant you access to a horizontal ledge.

    From here, go up a steep and tiring chimney to your left (metal pitons) in order to get to the easier terrain. A last push gets you to the summit of the Vorder Eckstock (2449m).

    On the other side of the north face of the ridge you go down towards the "Charlotte Bridge", a 16 meter footbridge, spectacular but presenting no challenges, that crosses over a gap. Next you keep going via the rocks on the south side, then as you near the summit cables secure you all the way to the all-lawn summit of the Mittler Eggstock (2420 m).

    A brief descent to the next junction (go right towards the Hinter Eggstock), then (careful: don't make any rocks slip!) to finish, we attack a very steep downhill with the help of a slightly shaky (but sturdy) rope ladder that goes down over an overhang.

    By way of the scree go back to the hiking trail that leads from Gumen to Bützi and on the left to the lifts.

    Part 3

    From the junction, go down slightly into the gap (2358m) under the Mittler Eggstock before the Hinter Eggstock, then go left on the rock face and it will climb more and more steeply.

    The strategic point is slightly overhanging and very demanding. Finally, you'll have no problem reaching the end of the route atop the Hinter Eggstock (2445 m).


    Way Back

    Follow the white-blue-white markings through the flowered meadows of the Ober Boden, you'll go down tranquilly to Bützi where you will find yourself on a hiking trail.

    Go left on this trail and go down by way of a terrace. Get back to the resort with the Gumen lifts.

    Where to Sleep

    Check with the Tourism Office.

    Par Stefan Bommeli, Youtube



  • 527e Via Ferrata La Farinetta Saillon Valais Switzerland

    Via Ferrata La Farinetta, Saillon, Valais




     Footbridge    Monkey Bridge      Ladder     Zipline  
    0 3 0 0


    This via climbs through the Salentze Gorges and there is a beautiful section next to a waterfall (and in the waterfall during summer or after thunderstorms). This via ferrata is not made for beginners and the third part is reserved for those with strong arms as the overhang is very tough. I repeat myself, the third part is not for those who overestimate their strength! So if you haven't been training and you do not have much/any arm strength don't go because its extremely difficult.

    Rescues are not free and the helicopter costs more than 3,500 Frs (3,000 Euro) and insurance companies don't cover ego problems.

    Demanding and in a vertiginous setting.


    ViaFerrata Tips and Tricks

    On the trail that leads to the via ferrata you'll come across a warm waterfall. It is nice in the fall or in spring.

    Take an extra lanyard to use for resting. If your arms get tired, you can use it to rest and it will help you finish the via ferrata.

    The rope bridge at the beginning of the via ferrata acts as a traffic controler. In summer there are a lot of people, even idiots without helmets wearing tennis shoes. We even saw a guy from Neuchâtel doing it backwards! After a good yelling-at, this moron, whose behavior posed a fatal risk to all those climbing up, turned back the other way.

    If you are just starting out with via ferratas don't go here and train on an easier one. On the last part there were 9 helicopter rescues in 2013 because of morons who tried to be Mr. Tough Guy. As the rock face is very steep you are putting the lives of the rescuers at risk, you will receive a big bill and you are discrediting the via ferrata community.


    For your car

    If you leave your car in one of the 3 parking lots you risk getting a ticket. What is better is to leave it at the top/end point of the via ferrata, near the Farinet footbridge.
    Then go down to the start (by way of the vineyards). This way you will avoid having to take the trail that goes to the baths parking twice.


     Strength Part 1: 3
    Part 2: 3
    Part 3: 4
     Dizziness  Part 1: 3
    Part 2: 4
    Part 3: 4
     Type  Plaine: 1
     Technics Part 1: 2
    Part 2: 1
    Part 3: 2
     Evaluation Part 1: Difficult
    Part 2: Very Difficult
    Part 3: Extreme



    Office du Tourisme de Saillon


    Length and Altitude

    Total length : 1010 m.
    Cabled distance : 820 m.
    Elevation gain : 335 m.

    Start: 536 m
    Finish: 841 m

    GPS Coordinates

    Via ferrata parking lot
    N 46'10.857   E 007'11.474   Altitude  525 m

    From the start of the via:
    N 46.10.938   E 007.11.236   Altitude  536 m
    Altitude: 995 m.


    Time of Year

    March to November (if there is no snow).



    Approach from the Saillon Baths: 25 minutes
    Via Ferrata: 2h
    3rd part: 45 m
    Way back: to the parking lot about 50 min

    By car

    From the highway from Martigny exit at Fully and go towards Saillon.

    At the Saillon exit (after the baths), you will go across a very small bridge. Immediately after the bridge take the unpaved road that goes along the river.

    For parking: as Saillon is a fairly quiet village, the police has found a hobby. They have installed a traffic surveillance system in the area surrounding the Via. There are three parking lots for those going to the via ferrata and fines for those who leave their ride outside of these parking lots. So be careful and don't try anything heroic.

    Pour le parking: comme Saillon est un village assez calme, la Police a trouvé un passe-temps. Elle a installé une signalisation aux abords de la Via. Il y a 3 parkings prévus pour les ferratistes et des amendes pour ceux qui laissent leur titine en dehors des parkings. Donc fais gaffe et pas d'héroïsme.

    The parking lots are far from everything! There is one near the baths and another across from the baths. Of course, they all charge. Account for 25 minutes of walking to reach the start of the via.


    By Train

    Take the train to Martigny and then the bus to Saillon (the baths). Contact the SBB for schedules and fares.


    Geolocalisation bp



    From the parking spot (see the GPS coordinates and the point marked on the map, go up along the river, you'll pass by a small waterfall and you'll find the cable).

    Via Ferrata

    It starts off pretty strong with a very vertiginous nepalese bridge (see picture) that sways quite a bit. And the cherry on the cake... you have to change the lanyards three times during the crossing. If you get stuck here it's a sign that you shouldn't go.

    The climb is very beautiful and the atmosphere vertiginous and you hear the murmur of the river carving its path through the gorge. You'll get a second shot at a rope bridge. Then it climbs pretty steeply and you get closer to a waterfall. During the summer you go partially into it and you'll get soaked. Then you come to the first escape route.

    The second part starts off with a slightly overhanging section that is fairly hard on your arms. It's pretty strenuous but you can take a break in a cavern that is underneath the Farinet footbridge. Then you keep climbing and it gets more and more demanding until you reach the escape route.

    The third part is EXTREMELY STRENUOUS. If you are not doing well, exit here because once you start you can't go back and there are three overhanging sections that are mega tough. Taking an extra via ferrata lanyard is very helpful.
    After you have crossed a very vertiginous rope bridge, you pass three overhangs that are really difficult and really work the arms. Luckily the cables were perfectly placed and you don't have to change to a new cable section during any of the overhanging parts.

    Wow, you made it to the top!

    Way Back

    Tu descends en direction de la passerelle à Farinet et ensuite tu coupes dans les vignes. Tu suis le chemin pédestre. Un peu raide parfois et plein Sud!

    Go down towards the Farinet footbridge and then cut across into the vineyards. Follow the pedestrian trail. A bit steep and it sometimes is completely south facing!

    Check out the tip above in Tips and Tricks to avoid having to take the trail that winds its way down to the parking lot for via ferrata-ists.

    Where to Sleep

    Check with the Tourism Office. There are Bed&Breakfasts in this area.

    by Youtube




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